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> Nordic Nature Narratives - podcast

You can listen to our podcast on the wepage Please note that the episodes of the podcast are in Danish or Norwegian.

Nature is the basis of our lives. It is crucial for a sustainable future, both in relation to the environment and climate change, but also in relation to the well-being of people and the society. With the project Nordic Nature Narratives, we wanted to find out how to strengthen the understanding of nature’s role in sustainable development. Our starting point was the view on nature from people in the Nordic countries and the Arctic region.

We wanted to show the connection and intertwining between nature and people. We wanted to understand how nature affects human well-being and the feeling of community.

The project was supported by Nordic Culture Contact, NAPA, Alta Kommune (Alta Municipality) and Sønderjysk Kulturfællesskab (the cultural cooperation programme of Southern Jutland).

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