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Why we need to care about global warming along and across borders

Educational project
The project raises awareness of the conse­quences of climate change by focusing on the role of low temperatures in and around the Baltic Sea. It combines science, arts and storytelling. An international project.



> Your Story - Our future

Defining Arctic Leadership

Research project
An Arctic story about sustainability. The project defines an Arctic model for leadership together with local people and in relation to their culture, nature and communities. An international project.



> Storytelling in the North

Diversity and community

A cultural project
Cultural diversity communi­cated by sharing stories. Different views on nature, including the perspectives of Indigenous peoples in the Arctic, were illuminated in a series of workshops. (2022-2023)



> Nordic Nature Narratives

Sustainabilty and nature-relationship

Research project
Personal stories provide insight into the role of nature in the lives of people in the Nordic countries, including the views of indigenous peoples in the Arctic. An international project. (2021-2022)
